Thursday, March 25, 2010

God is...

Hey ladies! :) I hope you all are having a great week! So I'm posting the list on here that I read at group Tuesday night, but I also wanted to tell you all just how thankful and grateful I am for our homegroup! Every Tuesday night I leave humbled, encouraged, and in awe of God's goodness. I really look forward to seeing what all God has in store for us over the next year! :)
  • God is…
    □ Our savior
    □ Worthy of worship
    □ Our judge
    □ An all-consuming fire
    □ Delighting in us
    □ Always present
    □ Our healer
    □ Our teacher
    □ Our source of satisfaction
    □ Our light
    □ Our fulfillment
    □ Perfect
    □ Our provider
    □ forgiving
    □ Our leader
    □ Our deliverer
    □ Our treasure
    □ In control
    □ Faithful
    □ Knowing of our needs
    □ Our giver
    □ The road less traveled
    □ Just
    □ Our rock
    □ Author and creator
    □ Source of our purity
    □ Powerful
    □ True to His word
    □ Our cleanser
    □ The One who keeps us from perishing
    □ The One to whom creation is obedient
    □ The forgiver of our sins
    □ Our physician
    □ Desiring mercy and steadfast love
    □ Our eyes
    □ Our sight
    □ Lord of the harvest
    □ Lord of heaven and earth
    □ The giver of authority
    □ The healer of our afflictions
    □ Our shepherd
    □ Mindful of us
    □ Desiring us to trust Him
    □ Our light in the darkness
    □ All-knowing
    □ Our source of light
    □ After our hearts, our minds, and our repentance
    □ A jealous God
    □ Gentle
    □ Gracious
    □ Our resting place
    □ Finding value in us
    □ Where our value is found
    □ Seeing past our pretences
    □ Knowing of where our heart is
    □ Sanctifying us
    □ The source of our wisdom and knowledge
    □ The giver and provider of our growth
    □ The One who give and takes away
    □ The One who gives us sight and open ears
    □ The One who gives us knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven
    □ Our root and our joy
    □ the One who receives the praise and glory for the fruit bore in our lives
    □ the sower of the good seed
    □ worth more than anything of this world
    □ our one pearl of great value
    □ the doer of mighty deeds
    □ compassionate
    □ the source of our nourishment
    □ sought through prayer
    □ the source of our peace
    □ the planter and the weeder
    □ the healer of our broken, evil, sinful hearts
    □ the one who gives the mute speech, the crippled health, the lame the ability to walk, and the blind sight
    □ worthy of faith and trust
    □ guarding our hearts and protecting our minds
    □ the satisfaction of our hunger
    □ our revelation
    □ after our souls
    □ what and who our minds should be set on
    □ eternal in a temporary world
    □ seeking us
    □ pursuing us
    □ chasing after us
    □ searching for us when we go astray
    □ our pursuer
    □ our rescuer
    □ rejoicing over us
    □ relenting and relentless
    □ the joiner of flesh
    □ the One to whom all things are possible
    □ generous
    □ good
    □ humble
    □ our King
    □ merciful
    □ hearing our cries and answering our prayers
    □ persistent
    □ not swayed by appearances
    □ powerful
    □ loving
    □ everlasting
    □ the One who bestows talents and gifts
    □ our everything
    □ the account settler
    □ full of life
    □ giver of eternal life and eternal punishment
    □ worshiped
    □ doubted
    □ always with us

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Holy Spirit for reminded us all of what Jesus did and who He was.

    John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you have known Him and have seen Him."

    Thank God for Jesus, for because of His life and His words, we have seen the Father!
